Another Touch Disease Repair

This is another iPhone 6 Plus with touch disease. We tried to get a photograph of the flickering grey bar at the top of the screen for you, but every time we tried it vanished(!) Read More

We Help Fix Their Repair Mistakes

This is an iPhone 6 Plus we were repairing under contract for another store. They’d attempted to replace the display and straighten the frame- but unfortunately it wasn’t powering up. We replaced the Tristar chip as this is usually the problem in cases like this.

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Why Independent Repair Stores Get a Bad Name

If we ever forgot why some people have a bad opinion of independent repair stores, here it is.

This iPhone was brought to us after a previous store had failed to fix it. They’d fitted four LCDs altogether and none had worked- we found out why during our successful attempt to repair it ourselves.

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New Photos of iPhone 6 “Touch Disease” Repair

We’ve expanded our iPhone 6 “touch disease repair” page with examples taken during our actual repairs. Why not take a look at them here?

iPhone 6 “Touch Disease” Repair Launch in St Andrews

Having problems with your Apple iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus’s touch sensor? Grey bar at the top of the screen? Read More

Yes- We Can Fix Your Shiny New iPhone SE!

So- the much anticipated Apple iPhone SE has arrived. Known variously as the Apple iPhone 5SE and the Apple iPhone 6C before it was actually released, Apple’s latest iPhone serves as a replacement for the 5S and may prove popular with those who disliked the increased bulk of the 6 and 6S. Read More

Battery Replacement for your Tablet & Smartphone

Sealed battery? Let Us Replace It For You!

It’s very common for smartphones and tablets- including the Apple iPhone and many newer Samsung Galaxy models- to now come with a sealed (non-removable) battery. This sometimes helps designers keep the device slimmer and better-looking, but there are also some major drawbacks. One is that the owner can’t swap out the battery when it fails or wears out. Sometimes the manufacturer offers this service- typically at a high price- but often not.

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Repairs for Apple iPhone 6S & 6S Plus Phones

Ever since the Apple iPhone 6S and its larger sibling, the Apple iPhone 6S succeeded the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus towards the end of 2015, people have been coming to our St Andrews store asking us if we can replace the new models. Short answer- yes we can! Read More

Smartphone Repair

Mobile Phone and Cellphone Repair – for St Andrews and North Fife – iPhone, Android, Windows Phone

Skilled Repair- Experienced Technicians

Repair St Andrews isn’t just a computer repair centre. Our technicians have years of experience working on densely-packed laptop computers and similar electronic items, and that placed them in an ideal position when the smartphone revolution started a few years back. Nowadays they know more than ever about fixing smartphones, including the optimum techniques involved in disassembling, repairing and reassembling your smartphone.

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