Glass-Only Repairs for the Samsung S6 & S7 Edge?

Ever wondered why glass-only replacement for damaged Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge and S7 Edge phones is hard to come by? Find out more with our latest article.

iPhone 7 Home Button: The Essentials You have to Know

Why is This Important?

The iPhone 7 and 7 Plus feature a number of significant changes to the internal design of the home button. This won’t affect you in normal use, but if it gets broken and needs fixed, there are some things you need to know. (Click here if you want to skip all this and go directly to your repair options).

To keep it simple, it’s generally believed most of these changes have been made to make iPhone repair by independent businesses- such as ourselves- more difficult, and hence to cut them out of the loop, forcing people to use Apple or their partners instead. These changes include:-
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No Clue and Relying on “Howtos”? Avoid!


Many people looking to have their valuable phone or tablet repaired might be interested- or put more bluntly, shocked- to find out how little many repair technicians actually know… and how reliant they are on beginners’ howto “guides” found online.

There are lots of them out there, either in video or written form. We know of one guy spotted following a YouTube video while he did the customer’s repair. (Spoiler; the guy’s repair attempt wasn’t successful- in fact, he made things worse).

Does any of this matter in practice? Yes, it does- and here’s why.

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Why Should I Care About “Copy” iPhone Screens?

You might not have considered this before, but when it comes to iPhone screen repairs, did you know there are different types of replacement screens? One is a genuine Apple original, and the other is a compatible (but often inferior) “copy”. Read More

“Copy” iPhone Screens vs. Originals – What You Need to Know

The Essential Points

  • “Original” screens are those containing LCDs manufactured for Apple. “Copy” screens are compatible replacements entirely designed and manufactured by third-party companies not associated with Apple.
  • We always advise our customers to go for the original screen. The difference in price is generally small, but the quality is far better.
  • Read More

Another Touch Disease Repair

This is another iPhone 6 Plus with touch disease. We tried to get a photograph of the flickering grey bar at the top of the screen for you, but every time we tried it vanished(!) Read More

We Help Fix Their Repair Mistakes

This is an iPhone 6 Plus we were repairing under contract for another store. They’d attempted to replace the display and straighten the frame- but unfortunately it wasn’t powering up. We replaced the Tristar chip as this is usually the problem in cases like this.

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Should I Fix That Myself?

Ever wondered whether it’s a good idea to save a bit of money by attempting to repair your smartphone, laptop or tablet yourself?

We’d love to tell you more, but you’re going to have to read our article on the subject if you want to find out more of the secrets- and pitfalls- of do-it-yourself repairs!

Why Independent Repair Stores Get a Bad Name

If we ever forgot why some people have a bad opinion of independent repair stores, here it is.

This iPhone was brought to us after a previous store had failed to fix it. They’d fitted four LCDs altogether and none had worked- we found out why during our successful attempt to repair it ourselves.

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New Photos of iPhone 6 “Touch Disease” Repair

We’ve expanded our iPhone 6 “touch disease repair” page with examples taken during our actual repairs. Why not take a look at them here?